Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year

Celebrating the New Year is a big deal in India! On New Year's Eve, they hosted a church service here at the mission. It started about 10:00 pm and included a lot of singing, a few guest speakers, and some holiday fires. There was no countdown, but around midnight, we got up and wished everyone a Happy New Year. After that, we sat down until the service ended at about 1:30. The next day, we went to a local church in Puttur. It was tough to follow because they generally spoke in the native language. The service was followed by a program where the church children sang and danced for us. A number of the kids have learned to say "Happy New Year" in English. It is a big deal to them, so they say it ALOT. Because of the holiday, we did not have a medical camp. We are back at it tomorrow.

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