Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Monkey Incident

India has wild monkeys. I knew that before coming over here. Westerners are amused by them, Indians are annoyed by them. I was in the amusement camp until today. The dining area for us is on the second floor. It is open-air, with one long table down the center. While having breakfast, a monkey came to the rail. Someone yelled at it and got up. Unfazed, the monkey then jumped over the rail, ran by the table and scurried through the living quarters. He ran quickly out the other side. Apparently, while we were at the medical camp, the monkey went and got the rest of his posse. When we returned, the dining room was a wreck. Chairs were overturned, the table cloth was ripped off, and trash was thrown about. So, if anyone sees the above-pictured monkey, please contact the Puttur Police Dept.

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