Thursday, January 6, 2011

Final Thoughts

Just like last year, I am writing this final post while in the van leaving Good Shepherd. This trip is an adventure for me. I get to see a foreign land and meet new people. However, I have to always remember that it is real life for them. After I return to my sterile world in the U.S., these people will still be living a very hard life. Sometimes it takes a trip like this to remind you that we really do live in the Beverly Hills of the world. Of all of the people living all of the different lives around the globe, mine is pretty good. With such a life comes the responsibility to keep an eye out for your brother, whether he be across the street or across the world. I need to thank Julie for holding down the fort. (Talk about being a lucky man.) Thanks to Dean Mausolf for letting me tag along on this adventure. Thanks to everyone else who has been gracious enough to express an interest in the trip. See you soon.

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